Tomb Raider 2 Review

For PlayStation

Rating: Crappy
   I know that many of you would knock me down and beat me senseless right 
now for hating the Tomb Raider series, but it is my personal opinion that 
Tomb Raider 2, like Tomb Raider 1 before it, is nothing more than an 
annoying, over-hyped piece of British cow dung.  
   The majority of the game consists of mind-numbingly pointless puzzle 
solving and God-awful jumping and combat mechanics.  The control is very
frustrating in that you have to line up every jump as if Lara were afraid 
of heights, and she doesn't always jump at the right moment regardless of 
whether or not you pressed the button at the right moment.  The combat is 
equally weak, consisting of frantatically mashing the fire button hoping 
that the seemingly random aiming system targets the enemy and they 
eventually go down after somehow taking in 10 bullets without budging.  The 
combat probably wouldn't be so horrible if you had time to perfect it, but 
the battles are so rare and brief that for most of the game, it's just you 
and the big ugly level around you.  There's not even music to keep you 
company most of the time.  
   I put Tomb Raider 2 in my PlayStation with great anticipation, thinking 
that maybe I just didn't give the original a good enough chance, and that I 
would love the sequel just like everyone else apparently does.  This great 
anticipation just made it all the more disappointing for me to realize that
if you re-hash a piece of crap like Core and Eidos have done with Tomb 
Raider 2, it's still a piece of crap.

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