A Trip To The Therapist

By Contributing Writer Jimmy Payne

Therapist: Hello Mr. Hoosenwafle.  What are we here for today?

Jeeter Hoosenwafle: Well Doc, I've got problems... bad ones.

Therapist: Oh, well please explain.  I'm sure it's nothing I can't handle.

Jeeter: OK, it's like this.  A few weeks ago, I got this game called 
"Pokemon" for Christmas.  Ever since that day I've been playing almost 
non-stop.  I think I've become a Poke-Maniac.  I can't stop myself!

Therapist (gets worried look on his face): I see.  I’ve heard about your 
kind.  So how long would you say you’ve been playing for?

Jeeter: Well, it started out about an hour a day.  Then it grew to five 
hours a day.  Then to seven... then to nine.  I find myself bringing it to 
school and caressing my Game Boy Color with Pokemon inside of it whenever 
I get a free moment.  It’s my baby.

Therapist (moves away from Jeeter slowly): Well, it could be worse, I 
suppose.  Do you have any side effects or symptoms from playing that long?

Jeeter: I sometimes have nightmares about it being confiscated from me at 
school.  I wake up in the middle of the night screaming "Pika" with an 
occasional "Chu" at the end of it.  I also go into cold sweats when I have 
to turn it off.  I sometimes go without eating so I can keep playing and 
avoid the cold sweats.

Therapist: Have you tried playing other games?

Jeeter: You mean to tell me there are other games other than Pokemon?!  
Oh yeah, I vaguely remember a game called Welda... no Selda... well, 
something alone those lines.  It doesn’t matter, though, because NOTHING 
CAN TAKE ME AWAY FROM MY POKEMON!  (Pulls out Pokemon cartridge and 
caresses it) Did daddy scare you?  I’m sorry, I’ll never yell like that 

Therapist: Umm... moving on.  Do you have any family, Jeeter?

Jeeter: No.

Therapist: Where do you live?

Jeeter: I can’t remember...

Therapist: Do you have any personal possesions?

Jeeter: Yes.  Pokemon.

Therapist (getting annoyed): No, I mean other than Pokemon.

Jeeter: None that I can remember...

Therapist (searching for something else to say, but can't think of much): 
Well, Jeeter, I don’t think you have anything to worry about.  This 
obsession will probably only last for a short time.  Before you know it, 
you will forget all about Pokemon and you will be able to move on and live 
a normal life.  Thank you for coming and I hope you’re feeling better soon.

Jeeter: Thanks Doc. (walks out of building, pulls out Game Boy, and 
chuckles to himself)  Hehe... that’s what he thinks... he must have 
forgotten about Pokemon versions Gold and Silver coming out later this 

You can e-mail Jimmy at jimmy@mastergamer.com

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