Piracy Editorial

  Video game piracy is a big, big problem.  If you asked any video game 
company who their biggest enemy is, most of them would not name their 
competitors, but would instead say that people who illegally copy their 
games are their biggest enemy.  Indeed, piracy costs the video game 
industry billions of dollars every year, and the problem is only getting 
worse as it becomes more and more socially acceptable in some circles to 
pirate video games. Of course, it's not really acceptable, since it denies 
the game designers the hard-earned money they deserve for pouring their 
heart and soul into a game for over a year or more.  And yet some people do
it without even thinking twice, also choosing to ingore the fact that it is
highly illegal.  If you are not one of these people, then I urge you to 
continue to buy games legally, knowing that you are putting money back into
the pockets of the people that worked so hard to make that game.  And if 
you are one of those people that pirate video games, you'd better stop what
you're doing right now before you're caught.  Video game companies are 
really cracking down on game piraters, and in many cases the FBI is called 
in since pirating is a federal offense.  Perhaps more importantly than the 
risk of getting caught, I don't know how piraters can wake up in the 
morning and look themselves in the mirror.

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