3D Graphics Acceleration Editorial

   Before shelling out $100-$300 for your next 3D graphics accelerator card,
think about the long-term effects this will have on the market.  I'm 
concerned that all the hype over 3D-accelerated graphics has hurt gameplay 
in PC games, and will continue to do so unless some major changes are made.
An increasingly common mentality among some members of the press in the 
video game industry are that if a game has really good graphics, it's worth
hyping for the eye candy alone even if they know full well that the 
gameplay sucks.  What kind of motivaiton is it for developers to 
concentrate on making a fun game with great gameplay if they can just 
produce fancy graphics with Voodoo 2 and get just as much attention, if not
more, from the vast majority of the press? Wake up and smell the coffee, 
everybody!  Graphics are nice, but they are meaningless if the game is 
not fun.

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